Efficiency, business continuity, service recovery, utilisation, safety and security on a massive scale.
Airport & Airlines two way communications
Airports are remarkable places, entire communities, employing tens of thousands of people within their perimeters, and covering areas measured in square miles, operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Running an airport can be likened to running a large town, for instance the three hundred companies operating within London Heathrow Airport employ 80,000 people, which is roughly equivalent to the population of Warrington, a large conurbation in the UK. This is hardly surprising when they serve over 65 million passengers arriving at, departing from, or transferring through the airport.
Clear, reliable and effective two-way radio communications of both voice and data between diverse teams in an airport is not just important, it’s mission critical to operational efficiency, business continuity, safety and security.
In the past, companies within airports operated as separate entities and developed their own two-way radio systems to allow them to communicate with their clients, typically airlines; while in turn, airlines needed to communicate with both their suppliers and their own teams.
This led to a proliferation of isolated communications systems and resulted in huge inefficiencies and a high risk to the resident airport community and passengers in the event of an emergency or disaster.
In recent years however, this situation has changed across the world’s airports with investment in integrated solutions to allow cross communication between individuals and user groups operating at desks, on foot or from vehicles, including:
– Airport management
– Airlines
– Airline agents
– Ground services
– Flight and cabin crew
– Engineering
– Construction
– Maintenance
– In-flight catering
– Retail and catering
– Hotels and Car Parks
– Transfer services
– Baggage handling
– Cleaning services
– Freight handling
– Border control
– Security teams
– Safety teams
Airport management
Airline agents
Ground services
As you would expect, analogue two-way radio communications equipment has been in use at many of the world’s leading airports for years and now with digital systems such as a Niro digital solution which can incorporate hand-portable walkie-talkies, mobile units and repeaters operating in fully scalable digital trunked mode. More airports than ever are migrating to the outstanding coverage, flexibility and security that digital two way radio offers.
In addition to digital radio systems, Niro can offer dPMR and DMR solutions for application in airport operations.